memes, part of my social life.

l believe almost everyone knows what is a meme. Yes, it’s the most addictive things online nowadays and everyone loves using it. l think it is a wonderful topic that worth discussing. Today in this blog, l m going to select some memes l like and analyse them to see what a meme can do and why people are so addicted to them.

As an international student from an Asian background, l followed an instagram account called “youreverydayasian”. In this meme, it first uses Coronavirus which is now the centre focus of the whole world. Lots of memes do that by combining nowadays top news and add them to the memes to show people’s attitudes and current situation. For example, in this meme, the creator uses McDonald’s as an example to show a comparison before and after the coronavirus. The separate M implies that people should keep distances between each other now. Quite interesting and also memorable.

Asian culture is also famous of its animation culture, especially Japanese anime. Definitely animation can’t be an exception in the meme! l can find loads of memes combining screenshots from anime or animation characters faces to express their instant feelings. However, in this meme, interestingly, not only combine anime scene with words, but also cleverly imply a fact that people are still hanging out even with the coronavirus, making an ironic blame towards them.

Apart from making fun, memes can even add stereotypes to one certain thing. For example, in this meme, it shows how International students fight coronavirus. The LV background and his LV masks gives a hint that the guy is very wealthy. With the word international student, its not difficult for people to link “wealthy” with “international student”. l have experienced before that when people go out with me, they always ask me to pay for the bill because “she is International student, she must be very rich.” l know people love making fun and jokes, but sometimes meme can lead to misunderstanding of a group of people.

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