memes, part of my social life.

l believe almost everyone knows what is a meme. Yes, it’s the most addictive things online nowadays and everyone loves using it. l think it is a wonderful topic that worth discussing. Today in this blog, l m going to select some memes l like and analyse them to see what a meme can doContinue reading “memes, part of my social life.”

internet celebrity

Internet celebrity, which can also be called social media influencer, who occupy a significant amount of followers and create their personal brand online. Different from real-life celebrity, social media influencer builds their influence through selfies, foods, and videos they post on Youtube, from tutorial to teaching. l found this article quite interesting analysing the marketContinue reading “internet celebrity”

Emoji & GIF V.S conversation, who wins the battle?

l had an interesting conversation yesterday night with my boyfriend about my recent depression, and he was trying to help me and give me advises. However, interestingly, what he said sounds serious and even a little bit offensive for me. l translated our conversation and attached here. As you can see, his tone sounds calmContinue reading “Emoji & GIF V.S conversation, who wins the battle?”

Does the internet encourage plagiarism or copyright violation?

l found an news about superstar Ariana Grande’s plagiarism on “7Rings” which debuted number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and attracted millions of fans. However, this news uncovered that the lyrics was stolen from “Pretty Boy Swag” composed by rapper Soulja Boy. the question is from my lecture about English language and New mediaContinue reading “Does the internet encourage plagiarism or copyright violation?”

Emoji? do you show my personality?

The use of chatting application as a way to communicate is rising in this digital era. There are always differences between face-to-face communication and online communication. Thus, emoji is invented to express our feeling and facial expression. Hall(2007) defined nonverbal cues as all potentially informative behaviours that are not purely linguistic in content such asContinue reading “Emoji? do you show my personality?”

social media’s impacts on languages & Cultures

When l was checking my instagram as usual in the morning, l saw this guy named Jefo posted a video that he speaks different languages to different people. l followed him before, he did lots of cultures aimed videos, mostly targeting to the differences between Asian cultures and the others. l found its a quiteContinue reading “social media’s impacts on languages & Cultures”

Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click theContinue reading “Introduce Yourself (Example Post)”

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